Fastnet tlf.: 4586 3325
Here it is possible to find information about the Dental Surgeon, as well as some general business information for Rungstedtand Dentist. We have listed the Dentist’s telephone numbers in Copenhagen and North Zealand, as you can contact, if there is an urgent need to get to the dentist outside of normal opening hours.
At the Dental Clinic Rungstedtand at Hørsholm in North Zealand, we are in favor of ethical patient contact as we should. Therefore, we provide informed consent when, for example, price levels occur above $ 200, so you can decide whether you are ready for the treatment.
Rungstedtand is a 5-minute walk from Rungsted Coast Station. In special cases, we also take customers on the weekends.
At the toothache in the evenings, weekends and holidays it is possible to contact the Dentist. If you have a toothache at night, you must contact the doctor or the emergency room.
Dental Guard North Zealand
Tel: 7025 0041
Everyday from 18:00 to 19:00
Weekend 9.00-11.00 and 18.00-19.00
Or please contact the:
Dental Emergency medical service
Oslo Plads 14
2100 Copenhagen East
Tel: 3358 0251
Everyday from 20:00 to 21:30
Weekend 10.00-12.00 and 20.00-21.30
The doctor in North Zealand
Tel: 1813
Everyday from 16.00 to 08.00
Weekend open 24 hours a day
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Fastnet tlf.: 4586 3325